86 Culture and UAE’s Honda S2000 Club Meet at the Biker’s Cafe


We decided to meet up with the prominent S2000 Club of the UAE and it sure was a busy day. Sorry for the long delay in posting up the photos and a very special thanks to everybody who managed to take and upload these shots! We look forward to hang out with the Honda S2000 club again and any other auto community out there.

Car communities are pretty small here and it really helps to join forces and work together on building better meets, events and drives!

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Pick of the Day 43

I just felt like sharing this one for some reason.

I hope people get inspired when they see cars like the above Toyota Crown, being partially or fully restored to road worthy condition, to want to appreciate and keep older cars from dying away in some scrap yard.
Keeping an older car on the road, could (depending on many factors including what the car is and where you are located) cost less than buying a new one and is considered to actually be safer for the environment; seeing that preserving an older car requires less resources & energy to rebuild.
Consumerism and this endless pursuit for convenience is part of the fast paced life many people live nowadays but its also admirable to see that some car enthusiasts take the initiative to get dirty for the sake of commemorating (for the lack of a better word) ‘the finer things in life’, like they say.


Japanese Old Muscle.

Crown Coupe

Crown Coupe1

MOONEYES participant in the form of a Toyota Crown on Mag’s and a flashy polished valve cover..

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Inoshishi Racing at Ebisu North Course

Noriyario is a great blog to directly check out some of the less significant motoring action in Japan. Those guys always showcase the stuff you don’t really see on all those big glorified automotive blogs. We just picked up this interesting post of what seems like the Japanese version of ”’Tafheet” (تفحيط).

Inoshishi (wild boar) Racing are a bunch of young guys who drift a bunch of feral cars in an equally feral way.


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